We offer comprehensive aquatic therapy training courses, specially designed for physical therapists, occupational therapists, and professionals practicing therapy in the water. ​

Grow Your Pediatric Therapy Toolbox

Dive into our expert-led modules and immerse yourself in the world of aquatic therapy, gaining invaluable insights and techniques to excel in your practice. ​

Learn new treatment and handling techniques, understand how to integrate reflexes and overcome roadblocks to help your pediatric clients with special needs achieve their therapy goals. ​

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your journey, our aquatic therapy certification courses equip you with the knowledge and expertise to make a real difference in the lives of your patients.​

Totally Treatment – Pediatric Aquatic Therapy Course

NEW & IMPROVED: Totally Treatment dives into gaining an understanding of the properties of the water and how to apply each in treatment sessions. Handling techniques for strengthening, balance reactions, relaxation and sensory integration within the aquatic environment will be addressed. Through video content and case studies, learn up to 10 new treatment techniques and creative ways to structure an aquatic therapy session in order to achieve therapy goals with clients that have both physical and sensory disorders.

5 Hour Online Course

Cost: $299

Overcome Roadblocks – Swim Whisperers Strategies for Aquatic Therapy

Overcome Roadblocks: Swim Whisperers Strategies for Aquatic Therapy dives into identification of the 14 most commonly seen roadblocks for swimmers with special needs. Connection between each roadblock to the underlying problem as a therapist along with learning a strategy to overcome the roadblock will be identified for clinical use.

2 Hour Online Course

Cost: $100

Splashing into Reflexes with Pediatric Aquatic Therapy Course

Splash into Reflexes dives into identifying reflexes and understanding how each affects swimming within the pediatric population. Through case studies and video content, learn swim drills and aquatic therapy techniques to help integrate each of the 4 common primitive reflexes.

2 Hour Online Course

Cost: $100

Aquatic Therapy – Case Studies Bundle

Get ready to improve your toolbox of handling techniques by watching these 5 individual case studies. Cindy and Ailene explain their live treatment sessions giving you the underlying reasons for the movement choices they are using. Watch the handling techniques during the sessions to help you understand how to use the water to reach your therapy goals. Additionally, view a parent/child group class and watch them progress from week 1 to 6 as you gain more ideas for working with the early intervention population.

5 Case Studies

Cost: $75