Enhance Your Aquatic Therapy Treatment Sessions
Take a deep dive into common primitive reflexes with this 2-hour online course & unlock the aquatic potential of your therapy clients or swimmers.
Splashing into Reflexes dives into identifying reflexes and understanding how each affects swimming within the pediatric population. Through case studies and video content, learn swim drills and aquatic therapy techniques to help integrate each of the 4 common primitive reflexes.
Comprehensive Training Includes
Course Objectives
Splashing Into Reflexes Curriculum
Introducing the Swim Whisperers® Certification Program
The multi-level Swim Whisperers Certification program gives Aquatic Therapists more strategies, tools, and techniques to overcome obstacles their clients have, when working on comfort, independence, coordination and independence in the water.
Understanding and overcoming the underlying problem can help with quicker achievement of your clients’ therapy goals.
Introduction and overview of the 14 common roadblocks and 11 key areas of focus in swimming instruction.