Splashing Into Reflexes with Pediatric Aquatic Therapy Course Curriculum

Enhance Your Aquatic Therapy Treatment Sessions

Take a deep dive into common primitive reflexes with this 2-hour online course & unlock the aquatic potential of your therapy clients or swimmers.

Splashing into Reflexes dives into identifying reflexes and understanding how each affects swimming within the pediatric population. Through case studies and video content, learn swim drills and aquatic therapy techniques to help integrate each of the 4 common primitive reflexes.

Comprehensive Training Includes

  • 2 hours of on-demand training.
  • Variety of learning tools including videos, and written content.
  • CEU Kit – Apply for CEU’s in your state.
  • Exam
  • Certificate

Course Objectives

  • Identify 4 common primitive reflexes.
  • Understand how they affect swimming.
  • Learn swim drills, and Aquatic Therapy techniques to help integrate each reflex.

Splashing Into Reflexes Curriculum

Welcome to Splashing into Reflexes. This section covers what you will learn and introduces you to the 5 common primitive reflexes, how to identify them in your swimmers and 4 exercises proven to integrate these reflexes to get bodies working and ready to learn.

  • Teaching Tools: 1 video (1hour 25 mins ) and text.

In this video, you’ll delve into the Moro reflex, a primitive reflex that often persists into adulthood, impacting balance, coordination, and even swimming abilities. Gain a solid understanding of the Moro reflex and be equipped with practical strategies to assist clients in achieving back float and other aquatic therapy goals.

  • Teaching Tools: 1 video (2 mins) and text.

Learn techniques and re-patterning exercises to help your swimmers overcome the spinal galant reflex and improve coordination of your swimmer’ arms and legs.

  • Teaching Tools: 2 videos (1min 30 sec).
The Tonic Labyrinth Reflex (TLR) plays a significant role in maintaining balance and posture. In this section, we’ll explore how to assess the TLR through extension and flexion exercises. We’ll also discuss strategies to practice neutral alignment, core strength, and overcome the TLR’s influence on swimming to help clients achieve optimal balance and coordination in the water.

  • Teaching Tools: 1 video (3 min 30 sec) and a reading.

In this lesson, we’ll demonstrate how to assess the ATNR through specific movements. We’ll also discuss the importance of proprioceptive input in overcoming this reflex and explore various types of equipment that can support these activities. We also share effective strategies to integrate the ATNR and how you can address it through aquatic therapy and swim drills to improve midline control.

  • Teaching Tools: 1 video (3 min 30 sec) and text.

The Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (STNR) can influence posture, balance, and motor development. In this section, we’ll explore how to identify the STNR and discuss the significance of integration exercises in addressing its impact on body position for swimming.

  • Teaching Tools: 2 videos (2 min).

In this section, we’ll explore how to apply the knowledge of primitive reflexes to adaptive swim lessons. We’ll discuss specific strategies to help individuals with retained reflexes improve balance and achieve front float.

  • Teaching Tools: 2 videos (2 min).

In this section, we share techniques to integrate the spinal galant, Moro and STNR reflexes for a young child with Cerebral Palsy, to support them with their goal of more independence in the water.

  • Teaching Tools: 4 videos (4 min).

Are you curious about how aquatic therapy can make a significant difference in a swimmer’s life? Join us as we delve into a captivating case study that showcases the transformative power to improve strength, coordination and endurance. In this video, you’ll witness firsthand how addressing underlying neurological challenges through aquatic therapy can lead to remarkable improvements in coordination and swimming success.

  • Teaching Tools: 1 video (4 min) and text.

In this section we share how aquatic physical therapy improves movement for daily living. As you delve into this case study you will see an aquatic physical therapy session in action. Our client receives passive mobilization of his rib cage, active flexion/extension rotation of his trunk and multiple opportunities to work on how to control his body.

The final part of the course includes the Exam, CEU Kit and additional resources to support your aquatic therapy continuing education.

A variety of teaching methods will be used including:

  • Quiz
  • CEU kit

Introducing the Swim Whisperers® Certification Program

The multi-level Swim Whisperers Certification program gives Aquatic Therapists more strategies, tools, and techniques to overcome obstacles their clients have, when working on comfort, independence, coordination and independence in the water.

Understanding and overcoming the underlying problem can help with quicker achievement of your clients’ therapy goals.

Introduction and overview of the 14 common roadblocks and 11 key areas of focus in swimming instruction.

Builds knowledge with a deeper dive into understanding the Swim Whisperers® formula for effective teaching strategies.

Learn and master techniques to help students overcome roadblocks and reach swim goals with confidence.

Combines all prior knowledge to advance skills in creating inclusive programs, managing aquatic behaviors, and MORE!