Swimmers with Autism, Anxiety, Physical and Sensory Challenges want to be on your swim team. We are offering you a look into what is possible for swimmers of all abilities that need a little extra help.
Bridge the gap by offering a unique swim team that helps swimmers learn the ritual and routine of a swim practice. Prepare your swimmers to be successful on a typical swim team by including them in a positive group experience that teaches them the skills they will need for a more advanced swim team challenge.
Our swimmers benefit from Swim Whisperer Instructors that have the training to address the sensory and motor challenges during a group experience and structure the practice to keep ALL students regulated.
What do you do when teaching the mechanics of swimming in the traditional way is not enough? If your swimmer has mild or moderate sensory difficulties that interfere with swimming you are in the right place. Watch how this instructor uses a systematic approach to address the attention, offer sensory breaks and improve social interactions.
When swimmers have sensory and motor difficulties consider adding a toolbox of strategies into your learn to swim curriculum. This will give your instructors the tools they need to teach faster, overcome roadblocks and reach swim skill benchmarks faster with more comfort.