Swim Whisperers® Level 2 Curriculum

Level Up Your Adaptive Swim Instruction

Take your adaptive Swim Instruction to the next Level with Swim Whisperers® Level 2. This course builds on your Level 1 adaptive Swim Whisperers® knowledge with 16 new sections and multiple case studies covering students of various ages and abilities. You will gain ‘in-the-moment’ learning of how to adapt your lesson to implement the strategies, as well as developing a deeper understanding of how you can automate your skills when teaching adaptive swim lessons.

Level 1

Learn strategies and techniques to overcome the roadblocks and achieve swim success.

Level 2

Case studies of 16 students with varying ages and abilities. Grow your toolbox and reach swim skill benchmarks.

Comprehensive Training Includes

  • Up to 6 hours of on-demand training.
  • Variety of learning tools including videos, written content & quizzes.
  • Teaching resources.
  • Exam & certificate.
  • CEU Kit – Apply for CEU’s in your state.
  • Access to the Swim Whisperers® Perks:

    • Inclusion on the Swim Whisperers® Certified Swim Instructor Map.
    • Membership of the private Swim Whisperers® group on Facebook.
    • Eligible to attend our In-Water Workshops.
    • Full access to the training course for 1 year.

Level 2 Course Objectives

  • See strategies and techniques from Level 1 in action.
  • Identify 2 Areas of Focus + 2 Roadblocks per swimmer that are getting in the way of swim success.
  • Implement multiple strategies to overcome these challenges within a private or semi-private lesson.
  • Improve your pacing and progression of the lesson to reach swim skill benchmarks faster. 

  • Develop a deeper understanding of space management within your lessons.
  • Gain increased confidence when working with swimmers with a range of sensory, emotional, cognitive or physical abilities.

Multi-Level Certification Program

Level 2 Course Curriculum

Join us as we welcome you to the Swim Whisperers® Level 2 Certification Program. We share important information about the program and some critical lesson tools.

  • The introduction will use various teaching materials including 1 video (1m), 1 Quiz and 2 Downloads.
  • Terms & Conditions
  • Welcome Video
  • Lesson Tools

We give you a quick re-cap of the Areas of Focus and Roadblocks you covered in Level 1 and explain how you will learn to implement multiple strategies for multiple roadblocks in your private and semi-private lessons with Level 2.

  • Features various teaching materials including 2 videos (approx. 12m) and Resources.
  • Lecture: Adaptive Swim Level 2
  • Training Video: How to Progress Swimmers to a Semi-Private
  • Resources

We share how the roadblocks of ‘Interpreting touch’, ‘How do I control my body and breath’ and ‘Engagement and interaction’ play an important role in discovering and adapting your lesson. In this section you will learn strategies to improve safe entry and exit routines.

Features various teaching materials including 7 videos (approx. 26m) and Resources.

  • Case Study: Techniques to Improve Engagement Safety and Skill
  • Case Study: Implementing a Safety Routine
  • Case Study Update: Safer Routine
  • Case Study: Safety, Climbing Out and Safely Entering
  • Training Video: Rescue Equipment
  • QUIZ: Improving Safety

Incorporating another swimmer into a private lesson to facilitate swim success can be a game-changer. You’ll learn about the power of including siblings to improve engagement, attention and enjoyment!

Features various teaching materials including 4 videos (approx. 13m) and a Quiz.

  • Case Study: Power of a Sibling for a 5 year old with Autism
  • Case Study Update: Special Olympics
  • Case Study: Power of a Sibling for a 10 year old with Down syndrome
  • QUIZ: Incorporate Siblings

This section equips you with effective strategies to handle impulsivity, yelling, and discomfort in swimmers. Learn how to keep them engaged and safe while ensuring continued progress toward their swimming goals.

Features various teaching materials including 1 video (approx. 13m) and a Quiz.

  • Case Study: Managing Challenging Behaviors
  • QUIZ: Working Through Discomfort

Discover techniques to help anxious swimmers overcome their fear of submerging. You’ll learn how to guide them towards a comfortable, horizontal body position in the water, paving the way for successful front crawl swimming.

Features various teaching materials including 4 videos (approx. 15m) and a Quiz.

  • Case Study: Horizontal Swimming Position for an Anxious and Reactive Swimmer
  • Training Video: Technique for Front Crawl
  • Training Video: Anxiety with Submerging and Reactivity with Deep and Shallow
  • QUIZ: Horizontal Swimming Position and Submerging

This section delves into the instructor’s role as a leader, constantly gauging student needs and adjusting the lesson pace for optimal engagement, social interaction, and ultimately, better swimming outcomes.

Features various teaching materials including 2 videos (approx. 14m) and a Quiz.

  • Case Study: How to Pace your Lesson with a 7 y/o boy with Oppositional Defiance and ADHD
  • Training Video: Semi-Private Pacing working with Autism and Down Syndrome
  • QUIZ: Engagement, Social Skills and Progressing

Swimming is a fantastic recreational and fitness activity for kids with special needs, improving their strength and coordination. You’ll learn how to support swimmers who process information slowly, methods to teach rollovers, changing direction and how to make a baby’s first swim lesson a positive experience.

Features various teaching materials including 3 videos (approx. 13m) and a Quiz.

  • Case Study: Submerging, Re-Directing and Transitioning to the Gym
  • Training Video: A Baby with Down Syndrome’s First Water Experience
  • Training Video: Rollovers, Changing Direction, Space Management
  • QUIZ: Swimming for Recreation and Fitness

To help students succeed, we need to help them overcome retained reflexes. This section equips you with specific exercises that target the underlying reflex issue, ultimately improving your swimmers movement in the water, helping coordination and motor planning.

Features various teaching materials including 3 videos (approx. 15m) and a Quiz.

  • Case Study: Reflexes Exercise to Improve Swim Skills
  • Training Video: Practical Application of Reflex Drills
  • QUIZ: Retained Reflexes

Educating parents and sharing techniques that empower them to help their child when they are enjoying swim time together will help reinforce what the swimmer learned in their lesson, give the parent confidence and improve water safety.

Features various teaching materials including 4 videos (approx. 25m), Resources and a Quiz.

  • Case Study: Parent Education in Water Training for Water Slide Safety
  • Case Study Update: Bella Swimming One Year Later!
  • Case Study: Family In-Water Training Safety and Routines
  • Training Video: Using the iPad
  • Adaptive Resources: Mini Course Lifeguard Training
  • Adaptive Resources: Adaptive Water Safety Toolkit
  • QUIZ: Parent Education

Discover what works for each of your swimmers by using the resources available to you and tailoring rewards to the Swim Whisperers strategies to overcome underlying problems. Learn how to organize your lesson with a flexible yet firm plan to seamlessly integrate the Areas of Focus and Roadblocks.

Features various teaching materials including 2 videos (approx. 9m) and a Quiz.

  • Case Study: Using Resources and Rewards
  • Case Study Update: One Year Later
  • QUIZ: Using Resources and Rewards

Forming groups for a swim team for swimmers with special needs is a crucial step in creating an inclusive and supportive environment. Learn how to prepare and group swimmers, modify activities, drills and/or add support to help each swimmer be successful in a team environment.

Features various teaching materials including 2 videos (approx. 12m), Resources and a Quiz.

  • Case Study: Swim Team Tips with Swimmers of All Abilities
  • Training Video: Semi-Private to Swim Team Preparation
  • Adaptive Resources: Mini Course Coaching for Diversity and Inclusion
  • QUIZ: Adaptive Swim Team Tips

Discover tips for keeping young adults engaged in your lessons to help them progress with swim skill acquisition.

Features various teaching materials including 3 videos (approx. 18m) and a Quiz.

  • Case Study: Young Adult with Autism learning pre-swim skills
  • Case Study: Developmentally Delayed Adult
  • Training Video: A 28-year-old with Down Syndrome Learns New Skills
  • QUIZ: Young Adults

Learn how to use the Swim Whisperers Strategies simultaneously when teaching a lesson with multiple swimmers, with differing needs.

Features various teaching materials including 3 videos (approx. 20m) and a Quiz.

  • Case Study: Combining Strategies for Multiple Roadblocks with Multiple Swimmers
  • Training Video: Adding a Peer Model to your Semi-Private Lesson
  • NBC SPOTLIGHT: Mom of Two Boys with Autism Relieves Her Fear of Drowning
  • QUIZ: Combining Strategies

Creating a lesson plan that builds in the flexibility that your swimmer needs is critical. We will show you how to address multiple roadblocks using the strategies you have learned to help your swimmer attain critical swim skills.

Features various teaching materials including 1 video (approx. 13m) and a Quiz.

  • Case Study: Dual Diagnosis of Autism and Stroke
  • QUIZ: Dual Diagnosis

Learn how to improve motor coordination for a successful freestyle by overcoming roadblocks by satiating sensory-seeking needs, keeping your swimmers engaged and motivated, and using body rotation techniques to increase range of motion.

Features various teaching materials including 2 videos (approx. 9m) and a Quiz.

  • Case Study: A Young Girl with Autism Improves Strokes for Swim Success
  • Case Study Update: Special Olympics for Alina!
  • QUIZ: Improving Coordination

Working on the Roadblock ‘How Do I Control My Body?’ will help to decrease anxiety experienced in the water for individuals who have limited independence on land. Learn how to support freedom in the water for these swimmers using different pieces of equipment and by modifying activities.

Features various teaching materials including 1 video (approx. 8m) and a Quiz.

  • Case Study: Freedom of Movement in the Water
  • Case Study: A Young Boy with a Spinal Cord Injury Swims
  • QUIZ: Limitations on Land

In this section, you will learn how to overcome multiple roadblocks in swimmers with a physical disability. Discover how equipment can support your swimmers’ goals by improving stability so your swimmer can experience independence in the water.

Features various teaching materials including 1 video (approx. 10m) and a Quiz.

  • Case Study: Physical Limitations for a 10 y/o with Cerebral Palsy
  • Adaptive Resources: Blog Section “Breaking Free”
  • QUIZ: Physical Limitations of a Swimmer with Cerebral Palsy
  • Course Evaluation
  • Certification Exam
  • Promoting Your Certification
  • Your Certification Badge
  • Your Training Provider Logo
  • CEU Kit
  • Annual Certification Maintenance Information

Introducing the Swim Whisperers® Certification Program

You can continue to learn and develop your adaptive aquatics journey by progressing through our multi-level program. Each level provides you with more complex knowledge, techniques and teaching methods. To keep your certification level active, you should complete each subsequent level, annually. Once you complete Level 4 your certification status and access to the course material will never expire.

Level 1

Learn strategies and techniques to overcome the roadblocks and achieve swim success.

Level 2

Case studies of 19 students with varying ages and abilities. Grow your toolbox and reach swim skill benchmarks.

Level 3

Advanced case studies using multiple techniques, giving you increased competency.

Level 4

Advanced case studies that progress your competency with the Swim Angelfish Methodology.