After having a child, Ada realized the importance of gaining swim skills that would help her to swim and be safer in the water so that she could enjoy this activity with her son. A Swim Whisperer specifically trained in 11 Areas of Focus and multiple strategies to overcome roadblocks was able to get her swimming in 5 lessons! Get ready to watch and see a miracle happen for this nervous adult and her family.
Adults CAN learn to swim. How do we help adults learn to swim when they have not had exposure to swim lessons as children? Ada went to private and semi-private adult classes and had little to no improvement in her anxiety and discomfort. Reaching swim skill benchmarks for swimmers of any age, are possible with an instructor that has had additional training on the strategies necessary to overcome water anxiety, discomfort and motor coordination struggles. Swimming is possible for all ages, and all abilities, when your instructor is a specially trained Swim Whisperer!