Sensory processing Disorder and Motor Incoordination difficulties often benefit from Aquatic Therapy. The Viscosity of the water provides feedback to the CNS about where the body is in space. There is also more time to react if you are falling forward because the viscosity of the water slows your fall and gives you time to process the protective responses such as putting your arms out to hold the side. Therapeutic properties of the water are used to enhance and support the therapy goals.
Coordination, motor planning and improved Self Regulation are great results of an aquatic therapy session. It’s easy to motivate your client while also working to address aquatic physical therapy goals. The water is a great tool to multitask sensory and motor goals. Helping you achieve your clinical outcomes that carryover to land based function.
Do you have Clients with Autism, Anxiety, Motor Planning, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and other disabilities? A specifically trained aquatic therapist who understands how to use the water as the preferred modality for treatment will improve your results and help you reach your therapy goals faster with more comfort. Specific training in pediatric aquatic therapy is available today.